Design Your Own Tattoo Tips

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Design Your Own Tattoo and move it to your body

Written by sleepger on 10:50 PM

Design Your Own Tattoo
Many people ask "How can we transfer tattoo model paper with my hand?"
I suppose that can play just about, or try to design your own tattoo and see how it looks on your body. To do this
permanent - not without the contribution of appropriate tattoo artist. If you
It was not the one you were not
other things that make the difference between a tattoo obviously shitty
and not so blatantly shitty tattoo.
The Carbon paper called blue "pencil" Carbon paper (with water
soluble paint) and not more smudge-resistant black "pen" or "write"
Carbon paper.
The type of paper that needed a moisture-resistant glass / board
cover. Best tracking the quality of paper and some "Bonds" documents
Draw / tracing of designs on paper and then trace over it with Carbon paper
paid positions below to create an image on the back in blue carbon
opposite side of the paper.
Apply thin layer Mennen and other "speed stick" type Dezodorant
skin, and carbon tracing paper firmly against the
skin. Some of the paintings will be dissolved and spots on the skin, painting and excessive
Dezodorant residual duties may be cleaned with soap and water. "Speed
stick "is often used because it is an easy / convenient to use the gel (and
contains alcohol, which helps to dissolve the paint), but nothing to
leaving a very thin layer of moisture evenly skin, probably

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