Design Your Own Tattoo Tips

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Design Your Own Tattoo Angel Tattoos

Written by sleepger on 12:14 AM

Angel Tattoos

The angel is a famous and often used the image, especially with tattoos. The designs can vary greatly in size, shape or style. You can see the more traditional way to sweet and innocent or diabolical designs, and offers more well built woman in a less then angelic nature. The angel is traditionally seen as a product of God, the name means messenger or one that is sent. As well as the religious context, the angel is seen as a protector and guardian. Of course, the angel can be seen as a cherub, even with the bow and arrow construction of a Cupid. There are of course also the fallen angel designs, a design that is more macabre and bloodier. It can display the bloody battle between good and evil, between heaven and hell, between God and the Devil.

Because of the huge variations of the design images appear on both men and women, whether they appear in different sizes and many designs. Women's designs tend to be more angelic and pure variants of angel election, while the male designs tend to be more fallen angel type, although these are not hard and fast rules.

The design may indicate the wearer's links to God, but also show darker and more malevolent meanings. One of the most popular uses of the term angel is with the world famous Hells Angels, every sect has its own variation on the shape of the angel, and most members have designed themselves. The basic design of a skull with wings, normally feathered game, in contrast to the more traditional look at angels. The designs vary in size and complexity, and almost all brightly colored and well designed.

Angel tattoos can also be worn as a memorial or as a reminder of a particular event as a birth. They can also be used to celebrate the loss of a loved one, often with names added in the Angel. A common theme is currently the major Anglo-design as the one about David Beckham's back. It is shown as standing with bowed heads and enormous wings. The picture was popular before Beckham, but has become more popular because the image is reminiscent of the angel of the north-eastern statue near Newcastle.

The variants of the angel implies that in some cases just angel wings remain in some pictures. Animals have converted some pictures that make objects such as swords and crosses. With some imagination and some design skills, there are thousands of variations. Of course variations increase with the use of wallpaper and other design combined with the angels. The possibilities are as limited as your imagination and designers.

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