Design Your Own Tattoo Tips

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Top 10 Tattoo Designs For 2009

Written by sleepger on 3:42 PM

Design Your Own Tattoo
If you plan to do a tattoo, have you considered that the design you are going to do? There are so many options you have there in May overwhelmed by all. Here's a look at the top 10 models for 2009, so you can choose a template that you and everyone will love.

1. Sanskrit - Anything in Sanskrit writing is in. Sanskrit is a language from India that is popular for religious ceremonies in most cases, but as of late having bands or phrases in Sanskrit are very popular.

2. Ambigram - An ambigram is a word that is not only read one way, but also can be read another way (backwards, upside down, etc) often these are written in very artistic and decorative writing styles.

3. Tribal - Tribal designs are very popular these days so if you were thinking of going tribal, go for it.

4. Stars - Stars are in. Whether it is a single star to signify something in life or a design of a series of stars, they will all be popular.

5. Celtic - Celtic knot work designs are very popular and not just for people who are interest in history and Irish lore. Knot work designs are very in this year.

6. Fairies - Fairies are big this. From Tinkerbell to a fairy out of a fantasy novel, they are all popular.

7. Dragons - Dragons have always been popular and that has not changed inrecent years. They're still popular.

8. Flowers - For girls, a nicely placed flower is a very popular tattoo design. Even men can choose a rose or other simple flower design.

9. Anchors and Swallows - These old school designs are back in style this year, revived from the 60s.

10. Bursts of Color - Color has come a long way in tattoos in recent years and that is something many tattoos are bragging. If you were thinking of going for color, go bright!

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