Design Your Own Tattoo Tips

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How to create my own tattoo

Written by sleepger on 12:16 AM

"Very fulfilling to know that you've created your own self expressive tattoo... you have a sense of ownership and originality to your tattoo."

How I did it: I've designed my own tattoo twice. I highly suggest taking your time with them. For my first tattoo it took me 5 months between conception and then two weeks to get around to creating it. (only took a day or two to get it just right, was very uncomplicated).

However my second one took 2 days of conception and months upon months of perfection. Once perfected. I had made a couple of printed copies in different colors and one of them in outlined format. As well as in digital format on a disk. I took these mediums to the tattoo shop and asked for an appointment and then asked if they could try to improve my existing proof. After a couple of days they had a couple of enhancements. However the artist and I agreed the original was the best.

Lessons & tips: Provide multiple formats and printed copies to take to the tattoo artist if you can. Also take a lot of time in perfecting your final copy.

Resources: Photoshop, prisma color pencils, and a lot of time thinking about what i wanted to portray.

by youdontmeanmuch

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